(CNBC, 7/29/11)
In the meantime、財務省は月曜日(8月1日)に、$50bnの米国債(3ヶ月と6ヶ月のTreasury Bills )を発行予定。来週償還を迎える米国債の額$87bn。ロールオーバー分なので、月曜日に発行しても問題なし。
Morgan Stanley's Jim Caron said three alternative options for auctions were discussed at the meeting at the Fed. He said they discussed delaying the August refunding and issuing a short-dated cash management bill that could be rolled over, as needed.
They also discussed rescheduling auctions until after the debt ceiling is increased, or holding auctions of much smaller sizes, but dealers said there could be liquidity problems. They also could announce a conditonal refunding, using when issued trading, which dealers dismissed because of the timing uncertainty.
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