

Hoard of Cash Lets Qaddafi Extend Fight Against Rebels
(New York Times, 3/9/11)

  • 内戦が長期化する可能性濃厚なリビア。カダフィがトリポリに膨大な額のキャッシュを蓄えているらしいというNYTの記事。
  • 米国はすでにリビアの資産$32bnを凍結、国連と欧州側も別途資産凍結の動きに出ているが、それらは国際銀行とリビア国外に限定された資産の話。西側が資産凍結の動きに出る前から、おそらくリビア紛争が開始される直前にも、カダフィは自己の資産を守るため、西側の手が届かない経路(彼がコントロールするリビア中央銀行や地元銀行)を用いて、自分以外の者の名義にして現金を溜め込んだのだろうと関係者らは見ている。


The money — in Libyan dinars, United States dollars and possibly other foreign currencies — allows Colonel Qaddafi to pay his troops, African mercenaries and political supporters in the face of a determined uprising, said the intelligence officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity.


The huge cash reserves have, at least temporarily, diminished the impact of economic sanctions on Colonel Qaddafi and his government. The possibility that he could resist the rebellion in his country for a sustained period could place greater pressure for action on the Obama administration and European leaders, who had hoped that the Libyan leader would be forced from power quickly.


He has built up Libya’s cash reserves in the years since the West began lifting economic sanctions on his government in 2004, following his decision to renounce unconventional weapons and cooperate with the United States in the fight against Al Qaeda. That led to a flood of Western investment in the Libyan oil and natural gas industries, and access to international oil and financial markets.


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