

The Future Of Nuclear Energy In The U.S.
(National Public Radio, 3/31/11)

  • 米公共ラジオ、番組Fresh Air、トピックは「米国における原子力の未来」
  • NYタイムズのエネルギー分野専門の記者Matthew Waldをゲストに迎え、米国の実情を語る38分。(番組全編は記事中のリンクで視聴可能)
  • 米国には原子炉104基、電気消費量の2割を原子力でまかなっているが、原子燃料と廃棄物の問題はいまだに米国内で明確なポリシーや解決策を作れずにいる、とウォルド氏。

"If we're lucky, we're heading for a situation like Three Mile Island, in which you have a very long cleanup period in which you can remove the damaged fuel from the spent fuel pools and then, essentially, you got a reactor that can be decommissioned in the normal way," he says. "If we're not lucky, you end up in a Chernobyl-type situation where you can't get the damaged material out and you build some type of sarcophagus and then you sit there and you watch it for the next few centuries."

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